Žydrasis horizontas
Other title(s): The Blue Horizon
Year: 1957
Description: An orphan Zigmas wants to be a sailor and is going to travel to Klaipėda to try for the Marine School. He has a boat which had been left by his father. In Zigmas hometown boys Sauliukas and Vytukas live. They are dreaming about the sea too. The boys get acquainted with adventurer and liar Tiburcijus who pretends as a former sailor. He is encouraging the boys left their homes and go with him to Klaipėda at the sea. The boys want to leave their houses for different reasons and leave without parents’ permission. The runaways get Zigmas to take them into his boat. To the runaways’ company joins Vincukas who wants to go to his uncle’s farm which is on the way. Tiburcijus who is responsible for children leaves them without money and food with Zigmas. Zigmas had spent his last money trying to return children home but he failed. After lightning had damaged Zigmas’s boat they left without any transport at the bank of the river. Zigmas decides to take the boys to his uncle boatswain to Klaipėda. The travellers by stealth get in to the trailer of a box-van in which Tiburcijus hides away too. A driver of the box-van finds the runaways and catches Zigmas. The children left with Tiburcijus again. He takes away from children everything and stole a car which belongs to Sauliukas’s father. Nevertheless he takes the children off to the sea but left them alone on the beach again. By a happy accident the runaways reach the harbour where Zigmas’s uncle boatswain has found them. The children knew that Zigmas had been in time at the Marine School and had taken the sea at the first time. At that time Zigmas was dreaming about the meeating with his little friends somewhere at the sea.
Keywords: Kinas / Vaikai
Provider: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rights: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Colour: Black & White
Director: Henrikas Šablevičius
Napoleonas Bernotas
Vytautas Mikalauskas -
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Related Names
- Juozas Jaruševičius | Actor
- Elena Jackutė | Actor
- Zuzana Maciulevičiūtė | Actor
- Napoleonas Bernotas | Actor
- Romas Lietuvaitis | Actor
- Eustachijus Aukštikalnis | Actor
- Vytautas Buizys | Actor
- Gražina Balandytė | Actor
- Vakaris Lopas | Actor
- Jonas Sutkus | Actor
- Bronė Kurmytė-Monkevičienė | Actor
- Romualdas Lankauskas | Screenplay
- Henrikas Šablevičius | Director
- Napoleonas Bernotas | Director
- Vytautas Mikalauskas | Director
- Algirdas Šimkus | Director of photography
- Algimantas Mockus | Director of photography
- Petras Lipeika | Sound supervisor
- Eduardas Balsys | Music composer
- Nijolė Klišiūtė | Costume designer
- D.Sasnauskas | Producer